Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 1 Training Complete :)

I know I have a loooooooooooooooooooooong way to go, however I'm happy to say I survived day one of training for the 5K.  The app I downloaded for training is pretty cool.  It talks to you and tells you when to walk, when to run, etc and while that's happening I can still listen to my music.  I did a 5 minute warm up with a brisk walk and then I'd "run" (my run is more like a jog) for 60 seconds and then walk for 90 seconds.  I did that for 20 minutes and that was followed by a 5 minute cool down.  Each week the intervals change to raise your ability.  Chris came to the gym with me as well.  He warmed up for a bit on the treadmill then went and did some weights.  After I was done with the program I went and joined him and we worked on arms together.

Chris wanted to do a few more things, but my hunger/dizziness set in and I needed to eat.  There is a Jason's Deli pretty close and they have a good salad bar so we went there for dinner.  I need to try and figure out how to not get so dizzy at the gym (and really just in life in general).  It doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen quite often.  I even ate some yogurt before I went to try and combat it, but it didn't help.  This morning I was dizzy again (yes this is a common occurrence for me) so I asked Chris to get out his blood pressure cuff so that I could see if my bp was ok.  For someone who is so overweight, my bp is surprisingly low.  I'm usually somewhere in the 112/80 range.  This morning Chris checked it three times, the first one was 103/78, second was 98/70 and third was 101/74.  No wonder why I'm always so dizzy :)  It could be worse, I could have horrible BP!  I asked my dad this morning if he was sure I was his daughter because his is high (well better now because of his meds).  Chris also has really high bp, but he's in the process of hopefully figuring all of that out.  So if anyone has any ideas on getting rid of the dizzies (nurses I'm looking at you) please feel free to pass them along.

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