Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin, many times can you say pumpkin in one post (or commercial, that one's for you dear!)  I'm pretty obsessed with all things pumpkin.  Drinks, food, lotions, etc.  I saw on Pinterest a few weeks ago that someone added pumpkin to their oatmeal to give it a little something extra, well I am a fan!  I got some Libby's 100% pure pumpkin (40 calories for a 1/2 a cup) and I add about 1/4 cup to my oatmeal.  It's not super sweet, does not make it taste like a pie, but it does give it a bit extra flavor.  I won't post a picture because it does not look all that appetizing, kind of like baby food, but I like it!

So instead of baby food pumpkin oatmeal, I leave you with a picture of Chris and I from the pumpkin patch the other day :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

My Next 5K

I decided that having a goal, like a 5K, keeps me focused.  One of Chris's friends wives asked us to participate in a Turkey Trot 5K coming up in November so that's what I'm setting my sights on.  I know this one will be on pavement so I'm going to set a goal to complete it with as little walking as possible.  I have 5 weeks and 2 days to train.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Return of Biggest Loser and Me

There are no excuses here, 100% honesty, I've fallen off the wagon.  I've been lazy, stressed out, lazy, busy, lazy, lazy, lazy.  I was on such a good kick with the 5K and as soon as that was over it was downhill from there.  Eating poorly, not working out, making excuses, etc.  I decided I wasn't going to "wait until Monday" again and just do it.  Two weeks ago Chris and I did a 5K with my aunt, sister-in-law and my nephews, that's kind of where it started.  It felt good to be outside, walking around, getting a bit of exercise.  Then over the weekend one of my friends asked me to go workout with her.  I didn't want to, but I went anyway and was so glad I did.  On Tuesday I worked from home and decided to start the 5K training over from the beginning.  Chris and I also bought FitBit's.  They track the amount of steps we've taken in a day, how many calories we've burned, it integrates with My Fitness Pal for calorie intake and also shows us how we slept at night.  So that encouraged me to start tracking my food again.  I haven't stepped on the scale yet, I don't want to because I know how my clothes fit and I'm not ready for that yet, but I am ready to tackle this again.

It was a pleasant coincidence that The Biggest Loser started again last night.  I'm excited to see the transformations and all of the hard work that is put in.  I always feel so motivated by the show.  This years theme is "2nd chances".  I feel like I'm on my 1 millionth chance (or try I guess) but I haven't given up yet and I don't plan to.