Thursday, January 10, 2013

Shoes, kudos and food

I'm feeling so much better today than I was yesterday and the day before.  I'm back at work today, I've been working from home the past two days.  I wanted to get out of the house last night and get some fresh air.  Chris and I went to Running for Kicks in Palos Heights.  When we were working out over the weekend,  I noticed that my feet, especially my heels, hurt afterwards.  It has been awhile since I got a new pair of workout shoes.  I decided to make the investment in a good pair.  Running for Kicks is really cool.  Someone works with you to find the best pair for your feet.  She started out by asking what kind of working out we do and where.  Then she measured my foot sitting, then standing.  They watch how you walk without shoes on, then start bringing out different shoes.  With each shoe she had me walk on the treadmill so that she could see how my foot reacted to that shoe.  I think I probably tried on about 6 pair before we found the right one.  The only downfall is that they were out of the pink ones :(  Here is what they look like:

I'm excited to start using them.  Being sick this week threw off my hope in getting to the gym more than twice this week.

I have to give a huge SHOUT OUT to some of my relatives.  I had no idea that when I started doing this that I would inspire others to start to lose weight as well.  I was texting with one of my aunts last night (everyone will remain nameless since I didn't ask them if I could post this) and she told me that she lost 6 lbs this week and another one of my aunts lost 4 lbs.  Kudos to you guys and anyone that's trying to lose weight.  That's awesome and I'm super proud of you.

On to yesterday's food.  My food journals are all whacked out over the past few days from being sick.  There was a lot of soup :)  Today's food is much more back on track, you'll see that tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Since we went out to dinner TWICE last night...tonight will be a good night to try out those new shoes! Get yourself mentally prepared!!
