Holy cow did the cold weather come on with a vengeance! Yesterday it was 47, today is 17. It makes me want to stay inside and cuddled up under a blanket. I can't do that today though, too much to do! I'm going to Louisville tomorrow through Wednesday, so I need to get ready for that. I'm a little worried about going out of town and eating. It means eating out for every meal. I know I can do good for breakfast and lunch, but dinners are a killer. It usually means appetizers, drinks, desserts, etc. I just need to not be tempted by all of that and keep reminding myself that a few meals isn't worth ruining the last few weeks over.
...a few meals isn't worth ruining the last few weeks over.
ReplyDelete...a few meals isn't worth ruining the last few weeks over...
ReplyDelete.........a few meals isn't worth ruining the last few weeks over!!!