Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Prayers for Boston

My heart is heavy for all of those involved in yesterday's tragic events.  I saw this picture a few times on Facebook yesterday and it helped me to not go to a super dark place.  If you watched any of the coverage of the explosions you see that while people were scared, a lot of people ran towards the explosion and started helping others.  Events like this always scare me, but at the same time make me really thankful for what I have and for where I live.  Yesterday people didn't care who others were, where they lived, what they looked like, what religious or political views they had...they just banded together and helped.


Speaking of watching the coverage last night I was doing it while at the gym, talk about motivation to keep going.  I kept thinking that all of those people there trained for a 26 mile race, I could certainly do a few more minutes on the bike!  When I got home I made an old standby, salmon, peas and quinoa.  As you know from the last few weeks, I've been obsessed with Bolthouse Farm salad dressing.  I found one the other day called Tropical Mango.  I don't normally like sweet salad dressings on salads, but thought it would be really good with fish....it was!  I made the salmon on the foreman grill and then when it was done drizzled some of the dressing on top, it was a hit!

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