Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Health is Wealth!

Well after a very scary, physically exhausting and mentally draining week, I'm back.  If the last week has taught me anything, it's to be truly thankful for my health and that of my family.  Other "issues" such as arguments, job woes, stress, etc are possible to get though, but when there is a health issue it's not always as easy.  Chris was faced with a very real and frightening health scare last week.  The doctors and nurses were very realistic with us about what could potentially happen to him if action isn't taken immediately and it was like someone had punched me in the stomach 500 times.  I'm happy to report that he's on the path to getting healthy, but we have some very serious lifestyle changes to make in order to get him there.  Diet, activity and environment are all factors in getting him healthy, some are easier than others to tackle, but we will tackle them no matter what it takes.  I want/need him around for a VERY LONG TIME and am willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that happens.  Many of these changes will also be good for me in terms of diet/exercise.

I'd like to thank everyone for their calls, texts, prayers, support over the past week.  Knowing that I have a family that loves us so much means more than you will ever know.  Everyone's love had a great impact on us, but especially my Aunt Jeanne.  She truly was our angel while this was all going on.  I can't even tell you how many texts/calls were exchanged over the past week.  Having her to explain the doctor/nurse talk, the various medications, calming my panic attacks, the reassurance that I wasn't crazy for questioning the doctors/nurses, her visit to the hospital, recommending Chris's new cardiologist, etc.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Chris had his follow up with the cardiologist today and they are tweaking some of his meds, sending him for more blood work, giving him a 24 hour blood pressure machine and then another follow up visit next week.

Time to get back into a routine of working out and healthy (non-hospital food!!) eating.


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