Friday, June 7, 2013

New Food Love

Last month I mentioned the new oatmeal I found ( well I found this peanut butter and the combination of them together is AMAZING!!

I've read about powdered peanut butter on different blogs, but I've never seen it in a store.  When Chris and I went to the vitamin store the other day I saw it.  It's only 45 calories for 2 tbsp (which doesn't really make 2 tbsp when it's made.)  However it adds the perfect amount of peanut butter flavor to my oatmeal.  Score!

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorites!! I love to mix it up with water and put it on apples. It tastes like peanut butter, and yet . . . no calorie wack! They have a chocolate one too - but I think the normal is better.
