Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Oh My Achy Feet!

Here's a riddle, what do high arches, being over weight, getting older and a touch of genetics get you?  Foot problems!  I went to the podiatrist last night for the first time ever.  I've been having some foot issues on and off for about a year now, maybe even longer who knows.  Thanks to my Aunt Jeanne for recommending Dr. Moore, she was awesome!  So they took x-rays of my feet and turns out that I wasn't making up all the pain in my head.  I have the beginning stages of arthritis on the top of my left foot, heel spurs on both heels and Planter Fasciitis in my right foot.  I'm fairly familiar with Planter Fasciitis as one of my aunts and one of my friends has it, so I was pretty sure that's what was going on.  

So what's the remedy?  Cortisone shots, ouch!  I had one in the top of my left foot and one in the heel of my right.  Thankfully Chris was in the room and I squeezed the crud out of his hand as she did it.  She also gave me some inserts for my shoes and a "boot" to wear at night.  It's not bad, it looks like this:

I don't know if it was the shot, the boot or a combo of the two but my foot felt so much better this morning.  I was able to get out of bed without limping for the first few minutes.  I told her I've been working out more and she asked what kind of shoes I wore.  When I told her, she said those were very good ones, so I'm happy with that.  She also told me when I'm traveling to make sure I wear gym shoes in the airports/for walking around.  I was happy that she didn't restrict me from anything.  She gave me the inserts to start off with and she is going to check with insurance to see if they'll cover custom ones.  The inserts are crazy, I can stick a finger in between where the top of my arch is and where my shoe is!  Takes a bit to get used to but I'm sure they'll be great.  I'm sure a lot of this will either go away or I'll be able to not have to use all of it as I start to loose more weight!  So now the chant (from yesterday) will include, "I want to get pregnant and I don't want bad feet!"  :)  Just one more added motivation!

So to give anyone that reads this a chuckle (I know it worked for my Aunt Jeanne last night) picture me with that boot on in bed and Chris with his CPAP machine, we make one HOT couple don't we, LOL.  

 (picture included is not Chris although it somewhat looks like him)

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