Thursday, March 21, 2013

I Went Over My Calories....

....but I have a reason.  I'm having a procedure done today and can't eat or drink until around 1 pm today.  So I thought if I ate a little extra last night I wouldn't be so hungry today, WRONG.  My stomach is growling and it's only 8:30 am.  Some hunger pains are probably good for me anyway :)

1 comment:

  1. Nicole, although our battles are not necessarily physically obvious like weight-loss, we are all learning to have to "turn away" from something. Your blog is so inspiring because of your positive outlook, your willingness to stumble and get back up and your fun life!

    Rather than scripture this Thursday, here's a quote from E. TItus (don't know who she is!)
    When I get all caught up in how unfair it is that my friend is skinny and doesn't have to work at it, how she can eat what she wants when she wants and how much it stinks that I can't be like her, I remind myself that God didn't make me to be her. You see, He knew even before I was born that I could easily allow food to ben an idol in my life and that I would go to food, instead of to Him, to fulfill my needs. And in His great wisdom, He created my body so that it would experience the consequences of such a choice, so that I would continually be drawn back into His arms. He wants me to come to Him for fulfillment, emotional healing, comfort - and if I could go to food for that and never gain an ounce, well then, what would I need God for?"
