Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Back to Acupuncture

When Chris and I first tried to get pregnant it was taking longer than expected.  We had tried for almost a year and nothing was happening.  As girlfriends do, I talked to some of my friends and realized I wasn't the only one.  I wasn't worried about not getting pregnant, but was getting increasingly frustrated when each month "Aunt Flo" would come to town.  A few of the girls I talked to highly recommended acupuncture.  One of my friends at work tried to get pregnant for seven years.  She went through a few rounds of IVF, had a miscarriage, but was still hopeful.  She started going to acupuncture and within a few months was pregnant.  I knew that one of the VP's at my company (also a good friend) went to an acupuncturist who was located in Oak Brook, right in the middle of work and home so I asked him for her information.

Both Chris and I started seeing her last year.  I was going for fertility and he was going for that as well, but also to help with his allergies/BP/etc.  We started going on October and by January we were pregnant.  While it didn't work out that time, it was good to know that we were able to conceive.  With the stress of the failed pregnancy, grandparents passing away, Chris's health issues, etc. we stopped going to the acupuncturist for awhile.  Fast forward to Chris's follow up with his cardiologist last week.  He recommended that one of the things that Chris looks into is homeopathic medicine.  We started talking again about going back to the acupuncturist, so last night we did.  I don't know 100% if it works or the study behind it, but I do know that it's nice to just relax/meditate for 30 minutes (I try and not think of the fact that I have 30 needles poking out of me).

It really doesn't hurt!  For me she puts the needles in various places (legs, stomach, hands, ears, head) and I lay there, usually super relaxed and then she comes back 20 minutes later, I flip over and she does the same on my back.  Chris however leaves there looking like he was abducted by aliens!  He gets the initial "poking" as we call it with the needles, but for his second 1/2 she does a "cupping" technique where she puts these round cups for a lack of a better word all over his back and they create a suctioning effect and are supposed to release the toxins.  After she takes them off she scrapes his back.  It looks like huge, circle hickies all over his back with scratch marks.  I usually leave there either feeling super relaxed or a bit dizzy.  Yes odd I know but hey whatever works!

The best thing about it all is that it's covered by insurance!  We each have like 70 more sessions that we can use before the end of the year so I have a feeling we'll be there a lot.

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