Did you ever get an email, or a voice mail or a letter at just the right time? Within the last few days I received each one of those from three separate aunts. I feel their love and support and I am so grateful for it! To say that this has been a struggle is an understatement. I guess lifestyle changes are never easy! I'm gearing up for an 8 city in three months with 3+ days per city kind of summer. That is NOT going to be easy, but I can't put off my goal until after all of the travel is done. I need to keep chanting "I want to get pregnant at a healthier weight" in the back of my head when I'm feeling tempted. I will listen to what a very wise woman who used to do a lot of traveling told me............stay at hotels with a gym, make yourself a priority, stay healthy, remember some of your co-workers also want healthy choices, carve time into your travel schedule so you are not flying out late and/or early and allow yourself time to get a workout in and try to destress after each trip. She's also the same woman who told me when I first started traveling for work at the age of 22 never to let the hotel put me on the first floor and always look to see where the emergency exits are when you get to your room :) I still do that 15 years later, she's one smart cookie!
In other news, there was a groupon the other day that Chris signed me up for (after talking to me about it of course!) There is an all woman's fitness club in LaGrange that was offering 20 group classes at an extremely discounted rate. I'm pretty excited, the classes include Zumba, so looks like I'll be getting my Zumba groove on again! They also have Pilates, Body Pump, Cycling, Yoga, Piloxing, and more. I'm excited to try out some new classes, especially knowing it's all women. One of the things I get super conscious about at our gym is that the group class room is right by all of the weight machines and free weights where most of the guys are. There is a huge floor to ceiling window that spans the entire room so anytime we turn around there are anywhere from 5 - 25 guys staring in the room. That usually stops me from moving as much, silly I know, but true. So that is my update, I'm still here! Thank you for the thoughts, notes, prayers, encouragement, etc. It means SO much.
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